If you want to get a motif of Native American origin, inform yourself well beforehand about the many meanings that such motifs can possess. The history of the Native Americans and their attachment to nature is full of myths and legends. Their stories are a great treasure for tattoo motifs of a spiritual nature – especially as a symbol of a wild nature that is not domesticated by humans. Native American tattoos stand for a deeper, nature-loving culture that no longer exists or appears only superficial. With a tattoo of this kind, the owner wants to build on this depth, the unspoiled but also wild side of his soul. Because nature is not just a nice deer that plucks on grass at the edge of the forest. If it doesn’t pay attention, it will quickly be “plucked” itself. Rather cunningly; from the “evil” wolf, who is not so “evil” at all – because this is nature too. The natural cycle consists of giving and taking, of life and death, and the “fair” fight is a sign of such authenticity. The wolf is an animal of great importance to the Native Americans of North America. It stands precisely for this kind of justice, which is a constant exchange in nature. With all the natural fighters, there is a big whole that constantly produces, but also disposes. For the Native Americans, the wolf symbolizes the spirit of which the world is permeated; hisinstinct and loyalty make the wolf the ideal totem animal for their people.


It is clear that Americans, who are always looking for originality and a “real” origin, like to refer to the “original” world of Native Americans. Native American tattoos are in vogue for the wilderness-loving North American. Those who set out to experience adventures and open up new land in the vastness of the American landscape, in its forests, lakes and raging rivers. Those who, with Eddie Vedder in mind, inspired by the film “Into the Wild”, set out to understand and experience the “Native American” lifestyle. This lifestyle is best sealed with a tattoo of a Native American, or, perhaps more subtly, with asign from Native American mythology. These Native American tattoos can be very unique, they can contain feathers, amulets and other types of symbols that stand for strength and safety.

Or come from the sacred wildlife of the Native Americans. The eagle, for example, is an expression of the country’s grandiosity and boundless freedom. The eagle tattoo is also extremely popular with the white population, and is a sign of the originality of a “free” country with “free” citizens.

It is important to realize that even individual eagle feathers have a deeper meaning. Because, they are a sign of the “won” duel, which plays such an important role in the Native Americans culture. It is only in a duel that the man shows courage, strength, perseverance and willingness to engage with the world and its wild nature.


A cropped tip tells of how its wearer cut his enemy’s throat… But without scalping him. This “nice” matter is only expressed by a large notch in the feather.

If the feather has a jagged edge, the “Native American” carrier has killed several enemies, it has a red spot, it is “only” about a killed enemy. When colored entirely red, the owner himself was badly wounded in battle.

If any of these features apply to you, it’s time for an eagle feather tattoo. It is best to interpret the symbolism in the figurative sense: because going out to scalp the next fellow citizen, just to tattoo an eagle feather, is not a solution either. At least not for a normal Western European.


The thunderbird, which sits on the top of the torture post, is well known to everyone. The thunderbird is an important Native American symbol of protection. In the Western world, the thunderbird is often worn by bikers – also as a tattoo. According to Indian tradition, this protects against misfortunes and bad influences. The latter in particular can be of decisive importance for the Hells Angels: bad influences are likely to be plentiful in its this environment.There are many signs and symbols in the Native American world.

There are buffalo, snakes, dragonflies, lizards and many more. All “spiritual” inhabitants of an unadulterated nature. And all have their special properties and permissions. They are all “symbolic” to man friend and “protective spirit”.


Arrows are particularly popular with “love” hipsters as a tattoo. So it is good to know how to interpret the arrows. At least a good talking point when you meet at a house party in front of the bathtub with thecool beer. The arrows also have their origin in the world of the Native Americans. They also bear witness to a world that is much more than banter and corona talk. They have meanings that go way back in “Native American” history.

Simple Arrow: Protection and resistance, the wearer has a goal in life

Opposite arrows: War and conflict

Arrowhead: Alertness

Broken Arrow: Peace and Nonviolence

Two arrows (best crossed): Friendship

Three or five arrows: Strength in the Community. Life is easier to get through together.

Single arrow through a diamond: then you are invincible:

H A U!!

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