We can still vividly remember the sigh of relief that was triggered by the permission to reopen our studio. Of course, we have been paying even more attention to hygiene and cleanliness since then. In the meantime, people have become accustomed to the new restrictions, the only really noticeable changes are the obligations to wear a face mask, the distance to be observed if possible and the renunciation of an accompanying person. But why do you get a tattoo right now of all times?

In the end, a tattoo is a purely aesthetic and unnecessary procedure. But tattoos are much more than that. Those who get tattoos often associate them with a story. They want to express themselves with it and sometimes even feel at ease when they wear their tattoo wishes on their skin. Tattoos increase self-esteem and can help the wearer feel more comfortable with their skin.

If you take these facts into account, you can understand why people get tattooed. Isn’t it understandable, especially after the experience of the lockdown, that you want to feel the feeling of security through a new tattoo? A consumer survey conducted by the Cologne-based management consultancy BBE Retail Expert found that it is precisely in these times that the human need to do something good is increasing. Travel is still problematic because of the fear of getting sick in a foreign country. The long-awaited tattoo is therefore a good alternative.

As already mentioned, many tattoos tell a story and the story of the pandemic they experienced encourages many to get a new tattoo. As you can see from the motif, which was tattooed by our tattoo artist Brigi, the pandemic is now creatively being implemented into motif ideas. As you can see here, humor helps to turn the past into something positive.

We are very happy to work with our customers on their tattoo ideas again and to help them embellish everyday mask-wearing life with something positive.

PS. Please always keep in mind – we are well prepared and even comply with the rules much more thanprescribed – but a pandemic remains a pandemic: do NOT visit our shop if you are feeling sick, cough, sore throat or flu-like symptoms. Stay at home, give us a call, we will be happy to help with appointments and rescheduling.

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