The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm began something like this. So similarlywe would like to get into the history of tattoos with you. These are not always fairy tales, but often contain something mystical and mysterious. Of course, we are aware that this does not all fit into a single article. There is also someinformation on the Internet. However, usually only short reports, which do not go so deep into the matter. This is where we want to start, with good research, develop an article every four weeks that dives deep into the development of the tattoo. Starting with Indigenous peoples to present day.


This will definitely be the case and with this future knowledge, you can not only impress your regular circles, but also parents or the dear grandparents, who perhaps can only associate the tattoo to serious criminals. Not to mention the fringe group of the anti-tattoo movement, which has no sense at all for such nonsense as to let color pierce their skin. After all, this is only done by the mob of society.

You can now stand up to them directly – if you want to. Or you keep your knowledge for yourself and smile at your tattoo-averse counterpart. Benevolent and nodding. #smileandnodfriends

Well look…

But let’s quickly take a short detour into the history of body art, so that we have something tangible in hand, should our paths cross with any tattoo scorners. Because it wasn’t the mob who discovered the tattoo for themselveself. It was mainly nobles in the 19th century who liked to indulge in art on their skin. The most famous of the ladies was probably Empress Sissi, who at the tender age of 51 opted for a nautical symbol, and thus had an anchor immortalized on her. At the time, sailor tattoos were probably hard to come by. By the way, the word tattoo is said to have its origin from the Polynesian region. Isn’t that exciting how this world-wide culture has set out on the journey and is still a topic that is not very well illuminated to this day. Regardless of the time period – the tattoo has always been a companion of our culture and has been for thousands of years.

These times were certainly not always beautiful. Just think of the Nazis tattooing the prisoners, becausethey should forget their names and also was an act of humiliation. This was certainly one of the saddest, if not the saddest climax of the tattoo story. But of course there were also beautiful things. When the Western world discovered this art for itself at the beginning of the 18th century, it was precisely the desire for the exotic. Lust encompasses this quite well. Women of the American upper class are said to have been tattooed often. Sometimes in particularly spicy places. #sexualhealing

And whether tattoos are a fetish for each individual, is an open question. Nevertheless, many feel a certain pleasure in doing so. In ancient cultures, this turned into real orgies. The tattooed ones, as well as their loved ones, entered into a trance-like state. Incidentally, this still exists today. Polynesia, for example.


You can see, the history of the tattoo culture is super exciting and so multifaceted. We hope you accompany us along this journey. If you like it, share it with friends, Facebook, Instagram, the regular circle, mom, dad, grandpa and grandma. Perhaps, Grandpa and Grandma will let themselves be anchored, you never know. Because if the Empress has done it, then it can’t possibly be wrong.

Text: Alex Leonhardt

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